In Honour Of Truth And Reconciliation

The First National Day For Truth And Reconciliation In Canada
Thursday, September 30, 2021 will mark Orange Shirt Day and the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.
It’s a day to recognize the legacy of Residential Schools, and the impact it has had on generations of First Nations, Inuit & Métis peoples.
Reconciliation means acknowledging the past and ensuring that history doesn't repeat itself. It means respecting Indigenous treaties and rights, questioning and ridding ourselves of assumptions, and reflecting on how we can work towards reconciliation in our own lives.
We wanted to share some recent resources that we’ve found useful in learning, reflecting, and growing.
Virtual Events
All week, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation is putting on a series of virtual events. Sessions include the truths of the Indigenous treaties, First Nation, Métis and Inuit land claims, the residential schools system, historical workshops, and cultural performances by Indigenous artists. You can check out all the programming on the NCTR website.
We invite you to join our team in watching two events on Sept 30th: Legacy of Hope: Truth and Reconciliation Allyship (available on demand Sept 30th on the NCTR YouTube Channel), and Beyond Orange Shirt Day live at 11:30 ET (tune into the livestream by clicking here).
Listening & Learning
Residential Schools is a three-part podcast series hosted by multi-award-winning Indigenous journalist, Shaneen Robinson-Desjarlais. Each of the episodes focuses on the different experiences of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people. It aims to commemorate the history and legacy of residential schools, and honour the stories of the survivors, their families, and communities.
Land acknowledgements might seem like a small and simple gesture, but the practice has deeply meaningful roots. Learn about the significance of land acknowledgements and find out whose land you reside on.
First Peoples remember their origins through oral histories passed down by elders in each generation. These narratives describe the creation of the world and how First Peoples came to live in it. More than legends, they embody a view of how the world fits together, and how human beings should behave in it. Listen to traditional stories and creation stories told by six Indigenous storytellers from communities across Canada.
Share with your children some of the rich, beautiful Indigenous values with the colourful and imaginative animated series, The Seven Sacred Laws. It follows a young boy on an Indigenous rite of passage: on a vision quest. On his spiritual journey, he meets seven sacred animals that teach him how we as people should live our lives on Mother Earth.
Get Involved
Friendship Centres provide culturally relevant programs and services for Indigenous people living in urban centres across Canada. Click here to find where your local Friendship Centre is located and consider providing your time, resources or making a donation to support them.
Let this day remind us to listen to their stories, learn from them, and walk this path forward together.