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Headshot of Kendra Casey from waist up smiling in a business casual top.

Kendra Casey

Kendra Casey

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Registered Social Worker
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Kendra is here to support you with trauma, PTSD, disordered eating and eating disorders.

Right for you if:

You are looking to build a balanced relationship with food and your body.
You are looking for support to overcome trauma or sexual assault.
You want to learn new ways to better manage symptoms of PTSD.
You are curious and enjoy learning about new concepts and theories as it relates to your therapy journey.

Right for you if:

You are looking to build a balanced relationship with food and your body.
You are looking for support to overcome trauma or sexual assault.
You want to learn new ways to better manage symptoms of PTSD.
You are curious and enjoy learning about new concepts and theories as it relates to your therapy journey.
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Kendra supports the healing of sexual trauma and PTSD symptoms for individuals who want to rebuild a safe space in their minds and bodies. PTSD and trauma can shake one’s sense of self; creating impactful coping mechanisms such as disordered eating/eating disorders and perfectionism. Together, you and Kendra can identify patterns that you can change to create a balanced life.

With guided reflection, creative strategies, and gentle humour, Kendra helps you make connections between behaviours, emotions and thoughts. She believes that it’s not simply nature versus nurture, but the combination of nature and nurture that make us who we are. Kendra also includes feminist theory in her therapy. She advocates for gender equity and seeks to break down constraining gender norms which are prominent in trauma and eating disorders.

Whether it’s getting lost in a new country, being immersed in a book, or trying out a Thai restaurant, Kendra is passionate about going on adventures. She is an animal lover and has spent some time working as a veterinarian assistant, and wildlife rehabilitator in Costa Rica. Kendra is currently running a dog therapy charity which focuses on building the canine-human connection with vulnerable populations.

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Kendra is now offering Hypnotherapy; book your initial session here!

What therapists say about


Kendra is very well versed on the topic of Eating Disorders, if you have been recently diagnosed, or suspect you are experiencing disordered eating, Kendra can provide you with the support, knowledge and skills needed to improve your current circumstances.
Mallory Hostick
Registered Social Worker

More about


Kendra Casey smiling and sitting with a black and white cat.


What does good mental health look like to you?
Good mental health is like tending to a garden. Everyone’s garden is different. Some have cacti others have orchids. Sometimes they’re thriving and sometimes overrun with weeds. Therapy can help maintain the flowers that already exist or start to dig up weeds that are preventing new growth.
What would you say to a friend struggling with a mental health issue?
Shall we process or problem-solve this?
What is a motto or idea that gives you reassurance when you’re having a difficult time?
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou

Master of Social Work with a Specialization in Gender & Women's Studies, Lakehead University (2021)

Bachelor of Social Work, Lakehead University (2020)

Bachelor of Science in Animal Biology & Minor in Nutrition & Nutraceutical Sciences, University of Guelph (2018)

ARFID for Primary Healthcare Providers (Change Creates Change)

CBT Level 1 & 2 (Wilfred Laurier University)

CBT-E: Enhanced CBT for Eating Disorders (CBT-E, Oxford)

CBT-T: CBT for Trauma (Wilfred Laurier University)

Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers

Ontario Association of Social Workers

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