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Grief & Loss
May 12, 2023
How to Navigate the Loss of Your Pet

This photo shoes a persons hand holding onto a dogs paw

Coping with Pet Loss: Guidance for Grieving Pet Owners

As a therapist, I often support clients who are struggling with the loss of a beloved pet. Most people don’t understand that losing a pet can be just as devastating as losing a human loved one, and the grief can be intense and long-lasting. In this blog post, I’ll share some strategies and coping mechanisms that can help you navigate the grieving process while honouring the memory of your beloved pet.

Talk about it

It is important to recognize that everyone grieves differently, and there is absolutely no “right” or “wrong” way to grieve the loss of a pet. Some people may feel overwhelming sadness and tearfulness, while others may experience anger, guilt, or numbness. Regardless of your specific feelings, remember it is essential to allow yourself to feel to heal. Speaking to a trusted friend, family member, or a professional therapist will allow you to process your grief and feel less alone in your grieving journey.

Create a memorial

Creating a memorial for your pet is a special way to honour their memory. This could be a special place in your home where you display photos and mementos, or it could be a small garden or tree planted in their honour. A memorial can provide you with comfort and closure while allowing you to celebrate the joy and love that your pet brought into your life.


It is beyond essential to be taking care of yourself during this difficult time. This means, getting regular exercise, eating well, drinking plenty of water and engaging in self-care practices that bring you comfort. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to grieve at your own pace.

When will I finally experience relief?

I hear this question often from clients in their grieving process. Grief is exhausting and difficult, so understandably, most people want to know the million-dollar question: when will I feel better again?

While grief is not a linear process, I often use the grief-in-a-box analogy. Imagine that all of your grief, emotions, thoughts and memories related to your loss are inside a box. At first, the box is very heavy and overwhelming. Inside the box, contains a large ball of grief and a pain button. Initially, your grief ball is so large that it is hitting the pain button constantly, causing intense feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, and other emotions.

As you begin to process your grief, your ball of grief begins to shrink. Sadly, it does not go away entirely, however, it does become easier to manage as time goes on. The pain button is still there, but it gets triggered less often, and the intensity of the emotions becomes much more manageable.

It’s important to understand that grief does not simply disappear with time. You will still have moments where the pain is intense, and you may feel like you are back at the beginning again. But the more you work through your grief, the more you will develop the skills and coping strategies to manage it. Over time, you will find that your ball of grief will become smaller and easier to carry, and you will find ways to honour your loved one’s memory while still living your own life. Therapy can be a helpful tool in this process, providing a safe space to explore your emotions and develop strategies to manage your grief. If you are struggling with pet loss or any form of grief, don't hesitate to reach out to a therapist for guidance and support. 

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